Monday, December 31, 2012

The New World - Book of Mormon Documentary

The New World - Book of Mormon Documentary Journey of Faith - The New World, chronicles the Book of Mormon, Another Testament of Jesus Christ. Thoughtful insights from 32 top scholars continue the journey into the Book of Mormon's thousand-year span, aiding understanding of this sacred text. Mormon's description of the land, religious history, culture, and traditions create a fascinating mosaic. Filmed on location in Guatemala and Mexico.

The New World - Book of Mormon Documentary

The New World - Book of Mormon Documentary Journey of Faith - The New World, chronicles the Book of Mormon, Another Testament of Jesus Christ. Thoughtful insights from 32 top scholars continue the journey into the Book of Mormon's thousand-year span, aiding understanding of this sacred text. Mormon's description of the land, religious history, culture, and traditions create a fascinating mosaic. Filmed on location in Guatemala and Mexico.

The New World - Book of Mormon Documentary

The New World - Book of Mormon Documentary Journey of Faith - The New World, chronicles the Book of Mormon, Another Testament of Jesus Christ. Thoughtful insights from 32 top scholars continue the journey into the Book of Mormon's thousand-year span, aiding understanding of this sacred text. Mormon's description of the land, religious history, culture, and traditions create a fascinating mosaic. Filmed on location in Guatemala and Mexico.

Good, Better, and Best, Correct your Mind, Humility!

Good, Better, and Best, Correct your Mind, Humility! If you correct your mind, the rest of your life will fall into place Dr. Wayne Dyer

Underlying Causes of Cancer

Underlying Causes of Cancer Underlying Causes of Cancer All The Body Needs is Vitamins and Minerals each and every day!

Крушение Ту-204 во "Внуково"

Крушение Ту-204 во "Внуково" Крушение Ту-204 во "Внуково"

Fiscal Cliff An Artificial Crisis

Fiscal Cliff An Artificial Crisis The end of all Wisdom is Love, Love, Love. Fear or Love, they want you to Fear and what is the opposite of that? Love, Love, Love

Everything in the Universe in vibration, Love or Fear, Love with me.

Everything in the Universe in vibration, Love or Fear, Love with me. The End of all wisdom is Love, Love, Love. I love you, you are loved! Share Love today, send an text, email, or make a call to say, "I Love You."

Everything in the Universe in vibration, Love or Fear, Love with me.

Everything in the Universe in vibration, Love or Fear, Love with me. The End of all wisdom is Love, Love, Love. I love you, you are loved! Share Love today, send an text, email, or make a call to say, "I Love You."

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Mormon History LDS (Mormon):LDS (Mormon) Temple Ceremony - Questions Answered

Mormon History LDS (Mormon):LDS (Mormon) Temple Ceremony - Questions Answered Many people are familiar with LDS temples that are built throughout the world and in almost every major city. Yet there are still many questions about Mormon temples and the ceremonies that take place within. Find answers to your questions about the Mormon temple ceremony at If you have a blog or website, please link to "Mormon Temple Ceremony" at Category: Nonprofits & Activism Tags: * mormon * temple * ceremony * lds * temples * mormonism * ceremonies * baptism * for * the * dead * mormons * beliefs * sethadamsmith * lds9999 * mormonmessages * the * book * of * mormon * missionaries * mormonism * mission * lds * missionary * joseph * smith * brigham * young * testimony * mormons * prophet * book * of * mormon * church * jesus * christ * latter * day * saints * mormons * made * simple * stuff * the * book * of * mormon * research * bible * president * thomas * monson * prophet * lds * church * latter-day * saints * mormonism Brady Lee,Self Help,Personal Growth,Love, Dreams and Consciousness

Mormon History LDS (Mormon):Mormon Missionaries: Brigham Young - The Book of Mormon

Mormon History LDS (Mormon):Mormon Missionaries: Brigham Young - The Book of Mormon is a video describing how to learn more about the Mormon Church. This clip portrays Brigham Young describing how early Mormon missionaries touched his heart by the power of a simple testimony of Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon. Brigham Young later joined the LDS Church and became the second president and prophet of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Once converted to Mormonism, Brigham proclaimed and defended the Book of Mormon. On his first mission to the Eastern states as a Mormon missionary, he experienced a hostile encounter with a Boston minister. Brigham found the best solution to the problem was to share his testimony of the Book of Mormon. He wrote, "We bore testimony of the Book of Mormon and drowned him in his own words and let him go." Brigham was fearless in his declaration of the Book of Mormon as the word of God, as a missionary and Church leader. He occasionally referred to the large number of witnesses it had: "How many witnesses has the Book of Mormon? Hundreds and thousands are now living upon the earth, who testify to its truth." On one of his missionary travels, he listened to several religious leaders attempt to prove that everyone ought to believe in the reality of the Lord Jesus Christ because of the miracles he performed that were recorded in the New Testament. Using their same logic, Brigham observed that if eight New Testament authors, "who have been dead for about seventeen hundred years," were enough to establish the divinity of the Savior, then the twelve living witnesses who testified that they saw and handled the plates from which the Book of Mormon was translated should be enough to convince the world that the Book of Mormon is true. Brigham further testified that every person could become a personal witness of the Book of Mormon by receiving his or her own spiritual confirmation of the truth: "Here is the Book of Mormon. . . . In that book we learn that Jesus visited this continent, delivered his Gospel and ordained Twelve Apostles. We believe all this, but we do not ask you to believe it. What we do ask is that you will believe what is recorded in the Holy Bible concerning God and His revelations to the children of men. Do this in all honesty and sincerity, then you will know that the Book of Mormon is true. Your minds will be opened and you will know by . . . the Spirit of God that we teach the truth." To request a free copy of the Book of Mormon or a visit from Mormon missionaries, visit * the * book * of * mormon * missionaries * mormonism * mission * lds * missionary * joseph * smith * brigham * young * testimony * mormons * prophet * book * of * mormon * church * jesus * christ * latter * day * saints * mormons * made * simple * stuff * the * book * of * mormon * research * bible * president * thomas * monson * prophet * lds * church * latter-day * saints * mormonism Brady Lee,Self Help,Personal Growth,Love, Dreams and Consciousness

Mormon History LDS (Mormon):The Book of Mormon - made simple

Mormon History LDS (Mormon):The Book of Mormon - made simple A brief introduction to the Book of Mormon. You'll learn where it came from, what it contains, and how to receive your own free copy. Category: Education Tags: * book * of * mormon * church * jesus * christ * latter * day * saints * mormons * made * simple * stuff * the * book * of * mormon * research * bible * president * thomas * monson * prophet * lds * church * latter-day * saints * mormonism Brady Lee,Self Help,Personal Growth,Love, Dreams and Consciousness

Mormon History LDS (Mormon):The Book of Mormon: President Thomas S. Monson - LDS

Mormon History LDS (Mormon):The Book of Mormon: President Thomas S. Monson - LDS is a video describing how to learn more about the Mormon Church. President Thomas S. Monson of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints shares a brief history and testimony of the Book of Mormon and Jesus Christ. Video produced by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Visit to request a free copy of the Book of Mormon online. * the * book * of * mormon * research * bible * president * thomas * monson * prophet * lds * church * latter-day * saints * mormonism Brady Lee,Self Help,Personal Growth,Love, Dreams and Consciousness

Mormon History LDS (Mormon):Mormon Prophet internet prophecy in 1981 (mormons, mormon)

Mormon History LDS (Mormon):Mormon Prophet internet prophecy in 1981 (mormons, mormon) Mormon leader Gordon B. Hinckley says a means will be invented for Prophets to communicate with people. "With the growth of the Church, we likely could never build a hall large enough to accommodate all who would wish to assemble in one place. Nor would accelerating travel costs make possible their coming. The gifts of science have provided a more convenient way. We are confident that as the work of the Lord expands, he will inspire men to develop the means whereby the membership of the Church, wherever they may be, can be counseled in an intimate and personal way by his chosen prophet. Communication is the sinew that binds the Church as one great family. Between those facilities which are now available and those which are on the horizon, we shall be able to converse one with another according to the needs and circumstances of the time." -- Gordon B. Hinckley, 15th prophet and president of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (commonly called the Mormon church, mormons or mormon), in October 1981. * mormon * mormons * church * mormonism * internet * prophet * gordon * hinckley Brady Lee,Self Help,Personal Growth,Love, Dreams and Consciousness

Mormon History LDS (Mormon):Testimony of LDS (Mormon) Prophet Ezra Taft Benson

Mormon History LDS (Mormon):Testimony of LDS (Mormon) Prophet Ezra Taft Benson is a video describing how to learn more about the Mormon Church. Ezra Taft Benson became the thirteenth President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on November 10, 1985. He gave this testimony: "I want you to know that I know that Christ is at the helm. This is His world. This is His Church. His purposes will be accomplished. Now in the authority of the sacred priesthood in me vested, I invoke my blessing upon the Latter-day Saints and upon good people everywhere. I bless you with the increased discernment to judge between Christ and anti-Christs. I bless you with increased power to do good and to resist evil. I bless you with increased understanding of the Book of Mormon." * mormonism * testimony * lds * mormon * prophet * ezra * taft * benson * president * church * of * jesus * christ * latter-day * saints * mormons Brady Lee,Self Help,Personal Growth,Love, Dreams and Consciousness

Mormon History LDS (Mormon):Testimony of LDS (Mormon) Prophet Joseph Fielding Smith

Mormon History LDS (Mormon):Testimony of LDS (Mormon) Prophet Joseph Fielding Smith is a video describing how to learn more about the Mormon Church. Joseph Fielding Smith was the tenth prophet and president of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormon Church). He gave the following testimony: "I know we are engaged in the work of the Lord, that he raises up men to do His work, in every age of history. I desire to say that no man of himself can lead this Church. It is the Church of Jesus Christ. He is at the head. the Church bears His name. It has His priesthood, ministers His gospel, preaches His doctrine, and accomplishes His work. He chooses men and calls them to be instruments in His hands to accomplish these purposes. He guides and directs them in their labors. The men are only instruments in the Lord's hands and the honor and glory for all that His servants accomplish is and should be ascribed unto Him forever. If this were the work of man, it would fail. But it is the work of the Lord and He does not fail." * mormonism * testimony * lds * mormon * prophet * joseph * fielding * smith * president * church * of * jesus * christ * latter-day * saints * mormons Brady Lee,Self Help,Personal Growth,Love, Dreams and Consciousness

Mormon History LDS (Mormon):Testimony of LDS (Mormon) Prophet David O. Mckay

Mormon History LDS (Mormon):Testimony of LDS (Mormon) Prophet David O. Mckay is a video describing how to learn more about the Mormon Church. David O. McKay (September 8, 1873 -- January 18, 1970) was the ninth president of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormon Church), serving from 1951 until his death. He gave the following testimony: "No one can preside over this Church without first being in tune with the head of the Church, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. He is our head, this is His Church. Without His divine guidance and constant inspiration, we cannot succeed. With His guidance, with His inspiration, we cannot fail." * mormonism * testimony * lds * mormon * prophet * david * o. * mckay * president * church * of * jesus * christ * latter-day * saints * mormons Brady Lee,Self Help,Personal Growth,Love, Dreams and Consciousness

Mormon History LDS (Mormon):The 1897 Audio Record of Wilford Woodruff's Testimony

Mormon History LDS (Mormon):The 1897 Audio Record of Wilford Woodruff's Testimony In 1897, President Wilford Woodruff of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, recorded on a new "talking machine" his testimony of the events in 1844 when Joseph Smith, shortly before his martyrdom, delivered the ordinances of the Church to the Twelve Apostles. This is his spoken testimony of that historic meeting. * BYU Studies * Wilford Woodruff * BYU * president * church * of * jesus * christ * latter-day * saints * mormons Brady Lee,Self Help,Personal Growth,Love, Dreams and Consciousness

Mormon History LDS (Mormon):Mormon History: LDS (Mormon) Prophet Heber J. Grant 2/2

Mormon History LDS (Mormon):Mormon History: LDS (Mormon) Prophet Heber J. Grant 2/2 is a video describing how to learn more about the Mormon Church. Heber J. Grant was the seventh prophet and president of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. He was known for guiding the Church through some of its toughest times including the Great Depression and World War II. Heber J. Grant was born on November 22, 1856, the son of Jedediah M. Grant and Rachel Ridgeway Ivins Grant. His father died only nine days after his birth. Heber and his mother had very little, but his mother worked hard to provide for him. As a young boy, Heber had the opportunity to meet Brigham Young. After that initial meeting, Brigham Young invited the boy (about six at the time) to come visit him whenever he liked. Heber J. Grant said of his friendship with Brigham Young, I learned not only to respect and venerate him, but to love him with an affection akin to that which I imagine I would have felt for my own father, had I been permitted to know and return a father's love (Preston Nibley, The Presidents of the Church, 13th ed., p.218 - 219). At just fifteen, Heber was ordained to the office of Seventy. Heber finished school at 16 and was hired to work for a bank. In 1877, Heber married Lucy Stringham. Heber eventually had ten daughters and two sons; both sons died as children. He was a devoted father, and when he was not home because he was traveling on Church business, he would send letters to each child. When he was 23, he received a call to be a stake president. In 1882, at only 25, Heber J. Grant was called as an Apostle. He served as an Apostle for 37 years. As an apostle, he visited communities of Native Americans and worked with Church leaders to call and set apart priesthood holders to labor among them. He became a member of the general superintendency of Young Men's Mutual Improvement Association, and he also became business manager of the Improvement Era, which he helped found. He organized and presided over the Japanese Mission, and served as president of British and European Missions. He became President of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles on November 23, 1916. On November 23, 1918, at age 62, Heber J. Grant became the President of the Church. The April General Conference for that year had to be postponed because of a worldwide influenza epidemic, which killed over 20 million people. The start of President Grant's presidency foreshadowed all the hard times through which Grant would guide the Church. President Grant started the welfare program of the Church as a way to combat the devastation of the Great Depression. He also directed the building of three new temples, the opening of 16 new missions, the microfilming of family history records, the establishment of the weekly Mormon Tabernacle Choir radio program, Music and the Spoken Word, and the first General Conference broadcast over radio. Heber J. Grant served as prophet and president of the Church for 26 years until his death in 1945. * mormonism * history * lds * mormon * prophet * heber * j. * grant * president * church * of * jesus * christ * latter-day * saints * mormons Brady Lee,Self Help,Personal Growth,Love, Dreams and Consciousness

Mormon History LDS (Mormon):Mormon History: LDS (Mormon) Prophet Heber J. Grant 1/2

Mormon History LDS (Mormon):Mormon History: LDS (Mormon) Prophet Heber J. Grant 1/2 is a video describing how to learn more about the Mormon Church. Heber J. Grant was the seventh prophet and president of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormon Church). He was known for guiding the Church through some of its toughest times including the Great Depression and World War II. Heber J. Grant was born on November 22, 1856, the son of Jedediah M. Grant and Rachel Ridgeway Ivins Grant. His father died only nine days after his birth. Heber and his mother had very little, but his mother worked hard to provide for him. As a young boy, Heber had the opportunity to meet Brigham Young. After that initial meeting, Brigham Young invited the boy (about six at the time) to come visit him whenever he liked. Heber J. Grant said of his friendship with Brigham Young, I learned not only to respect and venerate him, but to love him with an affection akin to that which I imagine I would have felt for my own father, had I been permitted to know and return a father's love (Preston Nibley, The Presidents of the Church, 13th ed., p.218 - 219). At just fifteen, Heber was ordained to the office of Seventy. Heber finished school at 16 and was hired to work for a bank. In 1877, Heber married Lucy Stringham. Heber eventually had ten daughters and two sons; both sons died as children. He was a devoted father, and when he was not home because he was traveling on Church business, he would send letters to each child. When he was 23, he received a call to be a stake president. In 1882, at only 25, Heber J. Grant was called as an Apostle. He served as an Apostle for 37 years. As an apostle, he visited communities of Native Americans and worked with Church leaders to call and set apart priesthood holders to labor among them. He became a member of the general superintendency of Young Men's Mutual Improvement Association, and he also became business manager of the Improvement Era, which he helped found. He organized and presided over the Japanese Mission, and served as president of British and European Missions. He became President of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles on November 23, 1916. On November 23, 1918, at age 62, Heber J. Grant became the President of the Church. The April General Conference for that year had to be postponed because of a worldwide influenza epidemic, which killed over 20 million people. The start of President Grant's presidency foreshadowed all the hard times through which Grant would guide the Church. President Grant started the welfare program of the Church as a way to combat the devastation of the Great Depression. He also directed the building of three new temples, the opening of 16 new missions, the microfilming of family history records, the establishment of the weekly Mormon Tabernacle Choir radio program, Music and the Spoken Word, and the first General Conference broadcast over radio. Heber J. Grant served as prophet and president of the Church for 26 years until his death in 1945. * mormonism * history * lds * mormon * prophet * heber * j. * grant * president * church * of * jesus * christ * latter-day * saints * mormons Brady Lee,Self Help,Personal Growth,Love, Dreams and Consciousness

Mormon History LDS (Mormon) Mormon History: LDS (Mormon) Prophet Wilford Woodruff 1/2

Mormon History LDS (Mormon):Mormon History: LDS (Mormon) Prophet Wilford Woodruff 1/2 is a video describing how to learn more about the Mormon Church. Wilford Woodruff was the fourth president of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, or Mormon Church. He was known for his missionary work, the formation of the Genealogical Society, his witness of church history extensively recorded, and for writing the manifesto that officially prohibited plural marriage within the Church. Wilford Woodruff was born on March 1, 1807, in Connecticut. His mother died when he was only fifteen months old, but his father remarried three years later and his stepmother raised him. He grew up on a farm, went to school and helped his father run his sawmill. Wilford Woodruff pondered religious things and became convinced that the Church of Christ was no longer on the earth in its pure form. When he was 26 years old Wilford Woodruff heard a sermon given by a Mormon missionary. President Woodruff knew he had found what he was looking for. He was baptized as a member of the Mormon Church just two days after hearing the sermon, on December 31, 1833. In 1834, Wilford Woodruff was sent on the first of six missions. His call was to the Southeastern United States. He returned home from his mission in 1836 and recorded that he had traveled over 9,800 miles, held over 300 meetings, organized 4 branches of the Church, baptized 70 people and confirmed 62, performed 11 priesthood ordinations, and healed 4 people by the laying on of hands, and that he had been delivered from the hands of 6 different mobs. President Woodruff was ordained an elder in 1835 and then as a Seventy in May, 1836. Just a year after his return, he served another full-time mission to the Fox Islands off the coast of Maine. During this mission he found a group of people searching for the truth and baptized over one hundred. Also while on this mission, President Woodruff received a letter from Thomas B. Marsh. The letter informed him that he had been called to be an apostle and that he would be asked to serve a mission in Great Britain. President Woodruff was ordained an apostle on April 26, 1839, and just a short time later left for Great Britain. When he returned home, he helped Latter-day Saints travel to the Salt Lake Valley. He was with Brigham Young and the first company of saints. Once the Mormons were finally settled in Utah, President Woodruff was not sent on any more missions. Instead, he was sent to check on different settlements across the West including Arizona and Idaho. The entire time President Woodruff served as an Apostle (1856-1883), he filled the role of Church Historian. He loyally kept a journal, and keeping a record of the Church's history came naturally. On July 25, 1887, President John Taylor passed away. President Woodruff was then the presiding officer and felt the burden of leading the Church. He recorded in his journal This places me in a very peculiar situation. It is a position I have never looked for during my life. But in the providence of God it is laid upon me, and I pray God my Heavenly Father to give me grace equal to my day. It is a high and responsible position for any man to occupy and a position that needs great wisdom. I never expected to outlive President Taylor. . . . But God has ordained otherwise. . . . I can only say, marvelous are Thy ways, O Lord Almighty, for Thou hast truly chosen weak instruments to perform in Thy hand Thy work on earth. May Thy servant Wilford be prepared for whatever is required at his hands by the God of Heaven (Preston Nibley, The Presidents of the Church, 13th ed., p.129). On April 7, 1889, Wilford Woodruff was ordained as the President and Prophet of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. When Wilford Woodruff was ordained as the prophet, the Church was being penalized by the government for practicing polygamy. The situation made President Woodruff ponder the issue constantly, he finally went to the Lord for help in the matter and was told that the Church should stop the practice. He issued a statement to the members of the Church as well as the world explaining that the practice would be stopped within the Church on September 24, 1890. President Woodruff continued to guide and lead the Church until he passed away on September 2, 1898. * lds * testimony * mormonism * history * mormon * prophet * president * wilford * woodruff * church * of * jesus * christ * latter-day * saints Brady Lee,Self Help,Personal Growth,Love, Dreams and Consciousness